nuopen 2024

Sorry for inconvenience, please proceed to the new registration form.

Registration Form

Please fill out everything below.

Before proceding

Make sure that you uploaded your CV and University/School verification of ALL MEMBERS to Google Drive and made it public.

Please note that the candidates with documents that are outdated (dated earlier than September 2024) will be rejected.

Note: data is not saved upon reloading the page.

This is your public display team name.


16+ for Offline participation.

Upload your CV to be shared with our sponsors for potential employment opportunities.

You can attach enrollment verification with graduation date, official/unofficial transcript or Spravka. Must have a date of September 2024 or later.

Max 3 participants in one team

We understand that our data may be used for competition-related purposes and will be handled with the utmost care and confidentiality.